To assure good performance for every project, the API imposes limits on certain parameters and objects.
This article outlines the technical and business limits of the Open Loyalty system. Understanding these limits will help you optimize your use of the platform and ensure smooth operation within the specified constraints.
Technical Limits
API Timeout
Timeout Duration: The API will timeout after 30 seconds.
Imports / Exports
Maximum Concurrent Requests: You can import or export up to 5 files simultaneously.
Maximum File Size: The maximum file size for importing XML or CSV files is 100MB.
Number Field Type
Minimum Value: -2,147,483,648
Maximum Value: 2,147,483,647
String Field Type
Maximum Length: 255 characters
Maximum Length: 500 characters
loyaltyCardNumber Field
Uniqueness: The loyalty card number must be unique per tenant.
Case Sensitivity: The field is case-sensitive (e.g., XYZ is not equal to xyz).
Email and Phone Matching
Case Insensitivity: The system does not consider case when matching email and phone fields during member matching with transactions or custom events.
Business Limits
If you believe your loyalty program requires adjustments beyond these limits, please contact Open Loyalty to discuss potential increases.
Loyalty Modules
The limitations for Loyalty Modules are set across the entire instance, so they apply to all tenants.
Campaigns: A maximum of .
QR Codes: A maximum of 2 million across all campaigns.
Rules: A maximum of 6 rules per campaign (hard limit)
Time-based campaigns: 4 campaigns (active and inactive) per tenant, with a maximum audience of max. 200,000 members for each campaign.
Achievements: A maximum of 50 active achievements.
Rules: A maximum of 6 rules per achievement (hard limit)
Rewards: A maximum of 100 rewards can be created.
Issued Rewards: A maximum of 100 million issued rewards.
Coupons: A maximum of 1 million across all rewards.
Segments: A maximum of 100 active segments.
Wallets: A maximum of 50 wallet types.
The Tier limitations are set per tenant.
Tier Sets: A maximum of 3 tier sets.
Tiers: A maximum of 20 tiers per set.
Tier Benefits: A maximum of 10 tier benefits per tier.
Maximum Number of Items in a Transaction: 100
Custom Event
Maximum Number of Fields in a Custom Event Schema: 50
The limitations for Administration components are set across the entire instance, so they apply to all tenants.
Admins: A maximum of 100 admins.
Roles: A maximum of 20 roles.
Tenants (Stores): A maximum of 50 tenants.
Webhooks Subscription: A maximum of 30 webhooks subscription.
Custom Attributes
All custom attributes share the same maximum length for both keys and values: 255 characters.
Campaign Simulation
Tier Set
Transaction Item
These limits are designed to ensure optimal performance and reliability of the Open Loyalty platform. Adhering to these constraints will help maintain system stability and efficiency. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please refer to the OpenLoyalty API Documentation or contact us.
Last updated
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