Add Custom Event

See the sample example of how a custom event can be added. Links to more detailed instructions can be found at the end of the article.

How this example works

In this example, we will create a sample custom event to trigger the previously created achievement.

Try yourself

  • Input the previous saved token and storeCode in the request header

  • Add a transaction Endpoint: POST /api/{storeCode}/customEvent

      "event": {
        "type": "app_login",
        "eventDate": "2024-05-01T00:00:00", // add current time
        "customerData": {
          "email": ""
  • This action should trigger MemberAchievementProgressWasChanged webhook

The webhook will be triggered each time there is progress made towards the achievement's goal, not only when the achievement is completed.

In this example, the custom event would have to be sent each day over the span of 7 days for the member to complete the previously set up achievement.

Endpoints used

More resources

For a detailed overview and description of the transactions creation and management, please refer to these series of articles:

Last updated

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