Add Custom Event Schema

See the sample example of how a custom event schema can be added. Links to more detailed instructions can be found at the end of the article.

How this example works

In this example, we will set up a sample custom event schema to trigger the achievement created in the next step.

Try yourself

  • Input the previous saved token and storeCode in the request header

  • Add a custom event schema Endpoint: POST /api/{storeCode}/customEvent/schema

        "customEventSchema": {
            "eventType": "app_login",
            "schema": {},
            "name": "User Logged In",
            "active": {
                "isActive": true
  • 204 No Content status indicates the custom event schema was successfully created.

Although it is not included in this scenario, the custom event schema enables you to specify more detailed attributes that can be tracked by the achievements and campaigns.

Endpoints used

More resources

For a detailed overview and description of the creation and management of the custom event schemas, please refer to these series of articles:

Last updated

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