Campaign Execution

The Campaign Execution report indicates when and which transaction triggered the campaign.

A sample file is provided below:


Available Data:

  • campaignExecutionId: ID of the campaign execution

  • tenantId: ID of the tenant where the campaign was created

  • campaignId: Unique ID of the campaign

  • contextData: Context data that triggered the campaign (e.g. member's data, transaction data)

  • createdAt: Date when the entry was created

  • updatedAt: Date when the entry was last updated

  • executedAt: Date when the entry was executed

  • executionStatus: Status of the execution (success, skipped, failed)

  • customerId: Member's ID generated in Open Loyalty (memberId)

  • transactionId: ID of the transaction that triggered the campaign (for the campaign's triggered by transactions)

  • message: Message for failed executions

  • warningMessage: Warning message for failed executions

Last updated