
The Members file contains information about all your loyalty program's members.

A sample file is provided below:

Available Data:

  • memberId: Unique ID of the member

  • tenantId: ID of the tenant where the member was created

  • storeCode: Code of the tenant where the member was created

  • active: Status indicating if the member is active (true = 1 / false = null)

  • channelId

  • channelIdentifier

  • firstName: Member's first name

  • lastName: Member's last name

  • email: Member's email address

  • phone: Member's phone number

  • loyaltyCardNumber: Member's loyalty card number

  • gender: Member's gender

  • birthDate: Member's date of birth

  • address: Member's address details

  • company: Member's company details

  • createdAt: Date when the member was created

  • updatedAt: Date when the member was last updated

  • levelId: ID of the tier the member is in

  • currentLevel: ID and name of the tier the member is in

  • manuallyAssignedLevelId: ID of the tier the member has been manually assigned to

  • lastLevelRecalculation: Date of the last recalculation of the member's tier

  • levelAchievementDate: Date of the last upgrade or downgrade of the member's tier

  • agreement1: Status indicating if the member agreed to the basic legal agreement (true = 1 / false = null)

  • agreement2: Status indicating if the member agreed to the marketing agreement (true = 1 / false = null)

  • agreement3: Status indicating if the member agreed to the data processing agreement (true = 1 / false = null)

  • referralToken: Unique referral token of the member

  • referrerMemberId: Member ID of the member's referrer

  • transactionsCount: Number of transactions placed by the member

  • transactionsAmount: Total gross value of the transactions placed by the member

  • transactionsAmountWithoutDeliveryCosts

  • transactionsAmountExcludedForLevel

  • averageTransactionAmount: Average value of all transactions placed by the member

  • lastTransactionDate: Date of the last transaction placed by the member

  • firstTransactionDate: Date of the first transaction placed by the member

  • labels: Custom attributes set for the member

  • anonymized: Status indicating if the member's data has been anonymized (true = 1 / false = null)

  • defaultAccount: Balance of the member's default wallet

  • currency: Currency in which the member places transactions

Last updated