
The Rewards file contains information about the rewards configured in Open Loyalty.

A sample file is provided below:

Available Data:

  • rewardId: Unique ID of the reward

  • tenantId: ID of the tenant where the reward is created

  • type: Type of the reward

  • name: Name of the reward

  • brandName: Brand name details

  • levels: ID's of the tiers the reward is targeted to

  • levelNames: Names of the tiers the reward is targeted to

  • segments: ID's of the segments the reward is targeted to

  • segmentNames: Names of the segments the reward is targeted to

  • categories: ID's of the categories the reward is targeted to

  • categoryNames: Names of the categories the reward is targeted to

  • active: Status indicating if the reward is active (true = 1 / false = null)

  • costInPoints: Reward's cost in points

  • activity: Time period when the reward is active

  • visibility: Time period when the reward is visible

  • tax

  • taxPriceValue

  • price: Price of the reward

  • labels: Custom attributes set for the reward

  • featured

  • public

  • usageLimit: Limitation of the reward's redemption

  • fulfillmentTracking

  • createdAt: Date when the reward was created

  • pointValue

  • daysInactive: How long is the coupon pending for

  • daysValid: How long is the coupon valid for

  • couponGenerator: Rules set for the coupon generator

  • couponValue: Value of a coupon (for static coupons)

  • usageLeft: Number of rewards left

  • dateValid: Custom date when the reward should expire

Last updated