
The Transactions file contains information about transactions associated with members.

A sample file is provided below:

Available Data:

  • transactionId: Unique ID for the transaction generated in Open Loyalty

  • memberId: Unique ID for the member generated in Open Loyalty

  • channelId: ID of the channel where the transaction occurred

  • channelName: Name of the channel

  • memberData: Information about the member who made the transaction

  • items: List of items purchased in the transaction

  • tenantId: ID of the tenant where the transaction was created

  • header: Transaction header information (e.g., document date, purchase location)

  • assignedToMemberAt: Time when the transaction was matched with the member

  • matched: Status indicating whether the transaction has been matched

  • grossValue: Total gross value of the transaction

  • currency: Currency used in the transaction

  • pointsEarned: Number of units earned from the transaction

  • unitsDeducted: Number of units deducted from the transaction

Last updated