Unit Transfers

The Unit Transfers file contains details of unit transactions (e.g. points) linked to specific members.

A sample file is provided below:

Available Data:

  • transferId: ID of the unit transfer

  • tenantId: ID of the tenant where the unit transfer is created

  • points: Number of units in the unit transfer

  • memberId: ID of the member

  • walletId: ID of the member's wallet the unit transfer was added to

  • walletTypeCode: Type of the wallet the unit transfer was added to

  • firstName: Member's first name

  • lastName: Member's last name

  • email: Member's email address

  • phone: Member's phone number

  • loyaltyCardNumber: Member's loyalty card number

  • type: Type of the unit transfer (e.g. adding, spending, expired)

  • createdAt: Date when the unit transfer was created

  • expiredAt: Date when the unit transfer was expired

  • cancelled: Status indicating if the unit transfer is cancelled (true = 1 / false = null)

  • cancelledAt: Date when the unit transfer was cancelled

  • locked: Status indicating if the unit transfer is locked, i.e. pending (true = 1 / false = null)

  • unlockAt: Date when the unit transfer was unlocked

  • comment: Comment related to the unit transfer (e.g. manual comment, campaign name)

  • campaignId: ID of the campaign that triggered the unit transfer

  • transactionId: ID of the transaction that triggered the unit transfer

  • customEventId: ID of the custom event that triggered the unit transfer

  • internalEventName: Name of the internal event that triggered the unit transfer

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