Managing Campaigns

In this section, you will get to know how to manage campaigns.

Deleting a Campaign

If you would like to delete the Campaign, you can pick this specific Campaign and click on the overflow button, a shortlist with the Delete campaign option will appear - click it. After confirming the action, the campaign will disappear from the list of campaigns.

Duplicating a Campaign

If you would like to duplicate the Campaign that was created before, you can pick this specific Campaign and click on the overflow button, a shortlist with the Duplicate campaign option will appear - click it. The system will redirect you to the campaign editor with a new inactive campaign created.

How to duplicate in steps:

  1. Select the Campaign

  2. Click the context menu

  3. Click Duplicate Campaign

  4. Make changes


Editing a Campaign

If you would like to edit the Campaign that was created before, pick this specific Campaign and click on the overflow button, a shortlist with the Edit campaign option will appear - click it.

Now you will land on edit Campaign view - here you can make expected changes and save new Campaign configuration.

How to edit in steps:

  1. Select the Campaign

  2. Click the context menu

  3. Click Edit Campaign

  4. Make changes

  5. Click SAVE

You can copy Rules, Conditions, and Effects by clicking on the pages button in the campaign creator

Campaign export/import

In the Campaigns section, you can export and import campaigns. These actions require a file in a .json format.

You can export/import up to 50 campaigns at once (in one file).

Exporting campaigns

Exporting campaigns how-to

To export a single campaign or several campaigns:

  1. Go to Campaigns -> List of Campaigns


After clicking this button you will see the checkboxes next to the campaign number

  1. Select the campaigns you want to export to the JSON file

  2. Click EXPORT TO .JSON FILE (X) to download the campaign file

Importing campaigns

Importing campaigns how-to

To import a single campaign or several campaigns:

  1. Go to Campaigns -> List of Campaigns

  2. Click ADD CAMPAIGN -> Import campaigns

After clicking this button you will see the pop-up window to upload the JSON file

  1. Follow the instructions from the popup window.

  2. Click IMPORT to download the campaign file

  3. After importing the campaign you will see the list of all successful and/or campaigns that require the action to edit.

Last updated