
In this section, you will learn how to manage the admins of your loyalty program.


When your tenant is first set up, you receive a set of login credentials for the Administrator role that has full permissions. If there are others on your team or service providers who need access, you can create a separate user account for each from this section.

To limit the sections or elements that Admin users can access when they log in, you must first create a role with limited permissions and access only to the necessary resources. See the 'Roles ' section to learn more about the roles. Then, you can assign the role to a specific user account.

Admin users, who are assigned to a restricted role, can see and/or change data only for resources that are associated with the role

Admins list includes both active and inactive Admin users – inactive are grayed-out. You can also see their status in the Active column. Additionally, the Admins list grid provides basic information about Admins – name, surname, email address, authenticate method, and information about whether notifications are enabled.

To access the Admins list go to Settings -> Admins. All created Admins will be listed in the table. You can change the number of rows displayed per page by clicking on the arrow icon below the table and picking a handy number from the list.

Adding new Admin

To create a new Admin:

  1. Go to Settings -> Admins

  2. Click the +ADD ADMIN button, and you will land on the 'Add Admin screen.'', complete the following information:

    • Name

    • Last name

    • Role - pick one from the list

    • Phone number

    • E-mail (This email address must be different from the one that is associated with your original Admin account)

    • Password/Repeat password

  3. Then you have to decide which of the following user authentication method to choose:

  • To authenticate the user via an API key, do the following:

    • Switch the External toggle to active

    • Enter an API key, received from the Open Loyalty provider

  • To authenticate the user via Password, do the following:

    • Assign a Password to the account

  1. Switch Active toggle to active (its color should change to purple)

  2. To receive push notifications, switch Notifications enabled toggle to active

  3. When all is done click on the ADD ADMIN button

Admin Password

By default, you can set an admin password for authentication purposes:

If an Admin forgets the password, they can recover it themselves, using the password recovery option.

A recovery password will be sent to the email address connected to the account.

Permanent User Token

In this subsection, you can start using a permanent user token - "API key".

  1. Head to Admins and ADD ADMIN

  2. Fill in all the information

  3. Select External

  4. Fill in the API Key section

API Key is limited to 255 characters.

A permanent token can be provided using headers or a query parameter.

Using headers:

curl http://localhost:8181/api/admin \
    -X "GET" -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN: customPermanentToken"

Using a query parameter

curl http://localhost:8181/api/admin?auth_token=customPermanentToken \
    -X "GET" -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \

Managing Admins

To modify already existing records, click on the overflow button (three-dots), list with 2 options will appear:

  1. Edit, where you can edit previously saved information and then click on the SAVE SETTINGS button

  2. Enable/Disable notifications (accordingly, if the admin has this option off or on previously)

If you would like to dismiss Add Admin or Edit Admin screen just click on the 'X' button next to the header.

Last updated