#2 Earn 2x points when shopping on Monday morning
#2 Earn 2x points when shopping on Monday morning
Business goals:
Number of transactions
Customer Activation
Loyalty mechanism: Currency
With this campaign, customers earn double the number of points when shopping in a specific period of time.
The campaign helps activate members to start visiting the store at specific times e.g. hours, weekdays, or months.
This type of campaign runs as an addition to the general spending rule e.g. Earn 1 point for every $1 spent. With the rule, we give additional points besides the normally earned loyalty currency.
Default configuration:
Campaign type: Direct
Trigger: Transaction
The weekday in which the transaction was done is Monday (Time of transaction -> Is the day of week -> Monday)
The hours between which the
transaction was done is 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM (Time of transaction -> Is the time between -> From 9:00 AM To 11:00 AM)
Effects: Give 1 additional point for every $1 spent (Add units -> Wallet type: Points wallet -> Calculation formula: 1 * Total transaction value)
Actionable tips:
Adjust the time period to activate customers in the desired moments.
Set up a daily or hourly limit to avoid fraud.
Set up a budget for the total number of loyalty currency to control the costs of the campaign.
Change the time period to a specific product category, and increase the sales of specific products e.g. Earn 2x points for buying product ACME.
Target the rule for a specific tier or segment of customers to activate the desired group of customers.
Last updated