Units Wallet Overview

The dashboard is the first page that appears when you log in to the Admin panel. The dashboard gives an overview of the members' activity in your loyalty programs.

Units Wallet Overview

The Units Wallet Overview displays the history of different types of units per wallet, allowing for easy analysis.

  • Issued Units - the total number of issued units counted at the end of the period. The metric is calculated based on unit transfers, whether they are active, used, expired, blocked, or spent. This value increases unless the units are canceled.

  • Active Units* - the total number of active units accumulated by members at the end of a selected period (blocked units are included)

  • Pending Units* - the total number of pending units accumulated by members at the end of a selected period

  • Spent Units - the total number of spent units by member at the end of the selected period

  • Expired Units - the total number of expired units at the end of the selected period

  • Redemption rate - the rate of points that have been issued and spent (Redemption rate value = spent/issued

  • Breakage rate - the rate of points that have been issued and expired (Breakage rate value = expired/issued

*Active and pending units are always displayed as accumulated. The example below (custom range of 4 days)

Description1st day2nd day3rd day4h day**

The initial amount of units


Amount of points visible on the chart (+ units added to the wallet that day)

250 (+150)

320 (+70)

420 (+100)

+ Total amount of added units


**Amount of Units displayed on the dashboard "Active"

Last updated