Creating Unit Transfers

In this article you will get familiar with creating units transfer from the Admin Panel.

Adding Unit Transfers

As an Administrator, you can add Unit transfers for specific Members.

The most common situation when Members earn Units is in return for their transactions or select activities.

However, there is another option to add or spend Members' Units. In the Admin Panel, as an Administrator, you can create Unit Transfers to a selected Member. This functionality is especially important when you have to add Units ad-hoc in special situations, e.g. delivery delay, the biggest purchase among customers in a year, etc.

Please note that your input may only have 6 digits after a comma. If your input is longer than that, the last digit in your sequence will be rounded up or down. E.g. typed value (...) '1,1234567', printed value: '1.123457', or typed value: '1,1234564', printed value: '1.123456'.

Unit Transfers types

Two types of Unit Transfers are permitted with Open Loyalty:

  • Add Units - adding a specific number of Units to the selected Member

  • Deduct Units - deducting a specific number of Units to the selected Member

To ADD Unit Transfers:

  1. Go to Wallets -> Unit transfers


  3. Select Wallet type - you can choose a wallet that will be affected by the transfer

  4. Select the Member - you can choose a Member by entering e-mail, phone, or loyalty card number

  5. Select the Units Transfer type

  6. Enter the Number of units

  7. Add Comment - optional

  8. Click ADD

Import adding units transfers

Import spending units transfers

Last updated