Adding Coupons
This section will explain how to add coupons to Open Loyalty.
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This section will explain how to add coupons to Open Loyalty.
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When you choose a Static coupon or a Dynamic coupon as a Reward type you will have to add codes to the program, which will later be used by members. OL provides three options you will be able to use depending on the scenario you want to use.
Auto-generating coupon codes
Uploading from external source
Adding multiple codes
Adding single code
To autogenerate coupons:
Select Autogenerated coupons
Choose the length of the code
Choose a character set:
Choose coupon generator prefix (optional) - this function will allow you to automatically create a common code for all codes that will allow you to do future analytics, e.g. Set "BLACKFRIDAY" as a prefix to make every code start with this phrase.
Coupons will be generated every time a prize is purchased. It is not possible to create a full list of coupons before you claim your reward.
The Open Loyalty allows you to upload coupons from an external source. If you choose this option under the Coupons configuration, you will be able to upload them to OL.
To upload coupons from external source:
Create a reward with Coupon configuration: Upload coupons from an external source
Go to List of rewards
Click three dots next to the Reward
Choose Upload coupons
Upload file formatted according to the requirements
Click the UPLOAD COUPONS button
To add a single coupon:
Create a reward with Coupon configuration: Upload coupons from an external source
Go to List of rewards
Click Add Coupon
Enter Coupon