Campaign Simulation

Learn how you can check the expected campaing outcome.

This function allows you to simulate the Reward effect that will be returned when the Member meets the Campaign conditions. The simulation helps to check whether the Campaign you have created contains the correct conditions and whether the Reward is returned correctly.

You can simulate direct or Referral Campaigns. If you would like to simulate the Referral Campaign, please note that you need to fill in the 'Member details' section along with the 'Referrer details' to simulate rewards for both sides.


Create a Referral Campaign with conditions:

Rules for referrer: Referrer's first name is equal to John and the Reward is equal to 80 Units

Rules for the referee: Referee's first name is equal to John and the Reward is equal to 120 Units

Then go to simulation, fill in all required fields, and enter Member(Referee) and Referrer first name. After simulating Member, you should see an effect in the results with a Reward of 120 Units for Member and 80 for Referrer.

In the simulated results, you may notice a distinction to whom the Reward will be granted.

E.g. Create a Direct Campaign with conditions: The first name is equal to John and the Reward is equal to 140 Units Then go to the simulation, fill in all the required fields, and enter the first name, John. After simulating the Campaign, you should see an effect in the results with a Reward of 140 Units for Member.

The simulation form contains 4 sections:

  • Member details

Please be aware that member details like Address details, Transactional History, Points Balance, and Consents are not automatically imported from the system into the campaign simulator. The same applies to the referrer details.

If your campaign relies on any of these data points, it's necessary to manually update them in the campaign simulator form to ensure accurate simulation and results.

  • Referrer details

  • Campaign trigger

  • The last one depends on which trigger you will pick:

    • Transaction details

    • Event details (if you will choose Internal event or Custom Event)

After running the simulation 'Simulated Campaigns' and 'Simulated results' will appear. Here you may notice which Campaign criteria were met along with who and what Reward may receive.

When several campaigns are activated by the same trigger, they are executed in order of their Campaign Start Date, with the earliest one being executed first.

Last updated