Reward Flow
This section will describe the basic flow of rewards redemption depending on the business scenario (Reward Catalog or receiving Reward in the Campaign).
In the Admin Panel, you can use rewards as an effect in the Campaign or as a Reward Catalog and use it on your app so your customers can purchase them.
Rewards as the Effect Campaign
The rewards can be used as one of the effects of the campaign. Besides adding/deducting units, you can grant the member with a specific reward.
The diagram below presents the simple flow of receiving the reward from the campaign:
Reward Catalog
You can use rewards as a reward catalog so your members can purchase them in your app. The diagram below will present the basic flow of issuing rewards when you use it as a catalog.
The diagram below presents the simple flow of buying the reward from the reward catalog:
Manually assigning reward
Admin panel allows for manually assigning rewards. To do so, click three dots next to the reward and select 'Claim for' from the menu.
The diagram below presents the simple flow of assigning the reward manually (or buying a reward by a member) with deducing points from the member's wallet (Price in Points set in the reward configuration):
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