Internal event - Achievement progressed
Learn more about the campaign based on the Achievement progressed internal event.
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Learn more about the campaign based on the Achievement progressed internal event.
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It is possible to create a campaign based on the progression of an achievement, rather than its execution. By using this functionality, we can reward our users for making progress within an activity or create an advanced cashback threshold mechanism added to the Campaigns Effect.
It is possible to use achievement-related properties in the following Campaigns:
Values related to the achievement configuration:
periodGoal - goal yet to be achieved
consecutivePeriods - applicable only for consecutive Achievements: periods yet to be achieved
Values related to the member's progress to the achievement goal(s):
currentPeriodValue - current progress value
completedConsecutivePeriods - current achieved periods
progressChanges - the difference between the current currentPeriodValue and the previous currentPeriodValue
If you want an overview of the structure of achievement progress, you can look at the webhook response MemberAchievementProgressWasChanged.
The complete list of available attributes can be found in the article below:
To understand this function, we can use the following example:
If you want to give a member a reward that is calculated based on a percentage of the value of their transaction, but the amount of the percentage/ratio depends on the amount of the transaction total: in the range of: 0 - 5000 → 1% in the range of: 5000 - 7500 → 1.2% in the range of: 7500 - 10000 → 1.5% in the range of: 10000 - Inf → 0%
Internal event - Achievement progressed campaign how-to
1. Create an Achievement - this is needed to calculate the total value of orders in a member's account
Over: 1 month - progress will be calculated in the span of one month
Goal: 10000000 - a distant goal used to store the value of the calculation
Formula: transaction.grossValue - We want to keep track of the Gross Value of the transactions
Occurrence: consecutive month - Progress will be calculated monthly
Achievement counting: Sum of the event attributes - we will calculate attributes of the transaction
Direct / transaction - Achievement will be based on the transaction
2. Create a Campaign
Direct campaign
Internal event: Achievement progressed
Conditions: Achievement is one of 'Achievement name'
Effect Add Units: percent_value_distribution(event.body.progressChanges[0], [5000, 7500, 10000], [0.01, 0.012, 0.015, 0], event.body.progressStatuses[0].currentPeriodValue - event.body.progressChanges[0])