
In this section, you will learn everything about Transactions. We will show you how to create Transactions, match them with customers, and many more important and helpful features.


The Transaction module contains all the functions that will help you manage the Transactions. In the main view with the list of Transactions, you will find all Transactions made by your Members. From this position, you will get all the needed information.

Browsing Transactions list

Transactions list overview

In the main-view table with all Transactions, you will find data that give you basic information about Transactions.

  • Document number - number of the Transaction

Please note the document number must be unique. Otherwise, the transaction will not be added to the system.

  • Document type - type of Transaction

  • Document date - date of purchase of the Transaction

  • Full name - first and last name of the Member

  • Email - Member e-mail to whom the Transaction is assigned

  • Phone number - Member phone to whom the Transaction is assigned

  • Loyalty card number - Member loyalty card number to whom the Transaction is assigned

  • Transaction value - Transaction cost

To see a more detailed overview of all Transactions, you can use filters. They will help you find the Transaction which you are looking for.

Filters you can use:

  • Channel ID

  • Custom attributes

  • Document number

  • Document type

  • Email

  • Full name

  • Transaction value

  • Loyalty card number

  • Member ID

  • Phone number

  • Product brands

  • Product categories

  • Product SKUs

You can use one filter, or create and use several filters at the same time.

The results are automatically filtered once you select the conditions:

Sorting the Transaction list

Sorting data is used when you (an Admin) would like to sort the Transactions by specific data.

  • Document number

  • Document Type

  • Document date

  • Full name

  • Email

  • Phone number

  • Loyalty card number

  • Transaction value

  • Managing Transactions from the Transactions view perspective

As an Administrator, you can perform certain actions on the Transactions. They will be different depending on the match of the Transaction.

The actions which you can take:

  • if the Transaction wasn’t matched:

    • Edit Transaction

    • Match with member

    • See details

  • if the Transaction was matched:

    • See details

Single transaction view

Besides the data in the Transaction list, you can see more details about the specific Transaction.

There you will get information that isn't on the list like:

  • Transaction details

    • Document number

    • Document type

    • Document date

    • Transaction value

    • Status

    • Transaction system ID

    • Custom attributes

  • Member details

    • Full name

    • Email address

    • Phone number

    • Loyalty card number

    • Street

    • Postal code

    • City

    • State

    • Country

  • Member matched with the transaction

    • Member name

    • Email address

    • Phone number

    • Loyalty card number

  • Products in the Transaction

    • Product name

    • Product SKU

    • Category

    • Brand name

    • Product custom attributes

    • Quantity

    • Transaction value

To see Single Transaction View simply click on the transaction.

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