Custom Functions

  • to_date(string)

  • agg(array)

    • agg(array).count()

    • agg(array).sumBy(path)

    • agg(array).findOneByEq(path, value)

    • agg(array).matchLabel(key, value)

  • round_down(value): int

  • round_up(value): int

  • ends_with(string, endsWith): bool

  • lower(string): string

  • starts_with(string, startsWith): bool

  • day(date): string

  • day_of_month(date): int

  • month(date): string

  • is_after(valueDate, afterDate): bool

  • is_before(valueDate, beforeDate): bool

  • is_between(valueDate, beforeDate, afterDate): bool

  • is_not_between(valueDate, beforeDate, afterDate): bool

  • is_time_between(valueDate, beforeDate, afterDate): bool

  • timestamp(date): int

To find out more, please refer to the articles below:

Expression ExamplesSample Use Cases

Last updated