Removing Members

In this section, you will discover various methods for removing members' data.

You can remove a member's data in different ways, depending on whether you want to temporarily deactivate a member, allowing them to rejoin later, or completely delete all their data from the system. Below you can find all the available options listed.

Activating / Deactivating

This option allows you to activate/deactivate the member. The displayed option depends on whether the member is active or inactive.

To activate/deactivate member:

  1. Go to the Member list or a single Member

  2. Click the context menu or the ACTIONS button

  3. Select Activate/Deactivate account

  4. Click YES

Actions on Inactive Member

  • Adding units (UI: Add/Deduct, API: add/spend)

  • Assigning reward

  • Change the reward status

  • Editing member

  • Campaign will be triggered (Internal event: Member address details updated, Member company details updated, Member profile attribute updated)


You have the option to anonymize each member's account. When you select this option, all member information will be anonymized, including their name, surname, phone number, date of birth, address, email address, and company data. This anonymized data will still be included in charts and tables, meaning we're essentially encrypting all the profile details, while transactional information remains intact for analytical purposes.

To anonymize members:

  1. Go to the Member list or a single Member

  2. Click the context menu or the ACTIONS button

  3. Select Anonymize Profile

  4. Click YES

Once a member's account is anonymized, it cannot be restored.

Removing members

In this part, we will explain how to remove a Member. When the Member is deleted, all of the information about the Member disappears. The Member also disappears from the Member's list and isn’t included in the total number of Members.

Once a member's account is removed it cannot be restored.

To remove a Member:

  1. Go to the Member list or a single Member

  2. Click the context menu or the ACTIONS button

  3. Select Remove Profile

  4. Click YES

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