Managing Segments

In this section you will get familiar with editing segments, activating or deactivating, and removing or downloading segment member list.

Managing Segments from the Segment view perspective

As an Administrator, you can perform certain actions on the Segments. The actions you can take:

To perform these actions:

  1. Select the Segment

  2. Click the context menu

  3. Choose from the list.

Activating / Deactivating Segments

You can activate or deactivate each Segment.

When the Segment is currently inactive, it appears in the Segments list as grayed out.

To activate/deactivate a Segment:

  1. Select the Segment

  2. Click the context menu

  3. Click Activate Segment or Deactivate Segment

  4. Click YES

Editing Segment

You can edit existing Segments by simply clicking Edit. After making updates, remember to click SAVE CHANGES.

Segments will contain information about the time of computation. The field will be returned when computation took place and will not be returned when there was no computation.

Segments will recalculate every 10 minutes or after editing.

Exporting members list

Besides viewing the list of Members added to the Segment, you can also export it. The file will be downloaded in CSV format.

To export the list:

  1. Select the Segment

  2. Click the context menu

  3. Click Export Members list

  4. Press EXPORT in the pop-up window

Removing a Segment

If you don't need and will never use a Segment again, you can remove it.

To remove a Segment:

  1. Select the Segment

  2. Click the context menu

  3. Click Remove Segment

  4. Click YES

Members assigned to a Segment

You can see and verify which Members are assigned to the Segment.

To see the list, click the segment row.

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