Creating Segments
In this section, you will learn how to add segments and import custom list via CSV file into Static segment
Adding a Segment
To add a Segment:
Go to Segments under the Members module
Click ADD SEGMENT in the top right cornet
Choose whether it's Dynamic or Static segment
Dynamic segment - Segment automatically recalculates based on applied conditions.
Static segment - Segment based on an imported CSV file with a list of members
Fill in all required fields
Activate Segment (switch status to Active)
Importing Custom Member List via CSV file to Static segment
To import your custom member list via CSV file, you need to:
Create a Static segment (steps under Adding a Segment)
Select the Identification factor that you will use in the file.
Import the file with the identification factor you selected in the previous step.
After uploading the file, you will see the import status under the Imports/Exports in the Admin Panel. After around 10 minutes, your segment should be updated with new records.
Please note that if you want to update the current list, the new file will replace the existing data. Therefore, to retain the initial member list for this segment, you need to include them in the new file as well.
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