What Triggers a Webhook
In this section, you will learn about webhook trigger actions.
In this section, you can review the actions that trigger specific webhooks. This will help you choose the best options for your marketing automation.
Transaction registered when creating transactions:
in the UI
Transaction import
Webhook is triggered X days before the units expire depending on the setup in the Expiring Notifications -> Expiring units notifications.
Webhook is triggered X days before the tier recalculation depending on the setup in the Expiring Notifications -> Tier recalculation notification
When units are spent (reward purchase with points, or by using the https://apidocs.openloyalty.io/#tag/Points/operation/pointsPostTransferSpend endpoint)
When units are added or deducted manually by an admin
When a campaign adds or deducts units
Importing unit transfers
When the unit transfer is cancelled ( https://apidocs.openloyalty.io/#tag/Points/operation/pointsPostTransferCancel )
When pending units get activated (either automatically, or manually by the admin)
When units expire (either automatically, or manually by the admin)
When units are blocked ( https://apidocs.openloyalty.io/#tag/Points/operation/pointsPostTransferBlock )
When units are unblocked ( /api/:storeCode/points/:transfer/cancel )
When units are transferred between members (2 webhooks are sent - one for the receiver, and one for the sender)
Matching transactions manually in the UI
Matching transaction via API: https://apidocs.openloyalty.io/#tag/Transactions/operation/transactionPostMemberAssi
Importing matches
Changing the status of the reward in the UI or via API: https://apidocs.openloyalty.io/#tag/Reward/operation/redemptionPostStatu
The member receives points/ rewards or member custom attributes from the campaign. Example flow here.
Member created without activation using the endpoint: POST/api/{storeCode}/member/register
Adding/updating member basic information:
first and last name
phone number
loyalty card number
registration date
birthday date
Adding member custom attributes when editing a member in the Admin UI or API: PUT/api/{storeCode}/member/{member}
Adding/updating address/company details
Updating Agreements
The above actions can be taken in the Admin Panel or via API.
Member requests an activation code using the endpoint: POST/api/{storeCode}/member/{member}/send-code
Member requests resending the activation code using the endpoint:
An active member who has been created within the endpoint: POST/api/{storeCode}/member/register requests a password reset using POST/api/{storeCode}/member/password/reset/reque
Member created in the Admin panel
Member created via API: POST/api/{storeCode}/member
Logged member updates phone number on their profile.
Manually changing a tier on a member profile (lower and higher)
While reaching the threshold of tier from conditions of the tier set
While creating a new member when the lowest tier is automatically assigned
The above actions can be taken in the Admin Panel or via API.
Logged member updates an email on their profile.
Member Deactivated in the Admin Panel
Member deactivated via the API: POST/api/{storeCode}/member/{member}/deactivat
Manually assigning rewards to a member
The reward received from the Camaign Effect
The reward bought from the Reward Catalog
The above actions can be taken in the Admin Panel or via API.
Webhook is triggered X days before the reward coupon expires depending on the setup in the Expiring Notifications -> Expiring coupons notifications.
Last updated
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